Thursday, 9 August 2012

The Supporting Cast!

So, as you may have gathered, dating had not been too successful at the point I took leave of my senses, hung up my chastity belt and threw myself, once more, at the mercy of the online dating pool.
Alongside the star players - Vestman and The Surgeon - there was a huge supporting cast. I concede that in my previous foray into this wierd and wonderful world, I met some nice people (albeit usually still in love with their ex-wives or looking for nothing more significant than casual liaisons to fit in around their childcare arrangements), but I also kissed a lot of toads, enjoyed (and, sometimes, endured) dates everywhere from beaches to restaurants, cafes to pubs and even, on one memorable occasion, to Paris.

There was the engineer who was so dull our date lasted only 27 minutes. I bought my own coffee, he bought a Bonio for the dog before having to get home to his mother who was 'making his tea'.

There was the Army officer, who spent 2 hours telling me how much he loved his ex-wife and wanted her back before showing me a photo of a horsey looking woman with huge teeth (thereafter referred too, by friends, as Major Catastrophe); there was the handsome accountant who wrote great emails, but conversing with him in person was like speaking to someone on a remote island with poor communications, earning him the sobriquet Time Delay.

There was the marketing man who, in the time it took to drink a cappuccino, told me he'd been made redundant 3 times in a year, and was about to be made redundant again. He completed his sorry tale by announcing that he saw himself as Mr. Average and was looking for similar in a partner. He added that he liked me a lot and wanted to meet again. How flattering! Would you hire this man to market you?!

And as you have probably guessed, the select few mentioned above provide far from a comprehensive list of dates, but you get the idea.... after my last foray onto the internet, I had concluded that if my chances of meeting a soulmate (as opposed to a solemate) were to improve, maybe I needed to change my, what did I do....?

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