As my dating exploits appear to be developing quite a following, there is something I should make clear...just in case any of you are starting to feel sorry for the men that I have lampooned - or should that be harpooned (Note to self-The Beached Whale must make an entry soon!) - in recent posts.
The important fact that I must share with you, is that everyone who appears knows I write, knows I have already been published writing about dating and, without exception, asks 'what will you write about me?' The answer is always the same....well that depends - if you're nice to me - nothing; if not, well I hold the poison pen!! In legal terms I think of such conversations as the equivilent to a 'letter before action'!
And from such conversations, I deduce that the male ego actually likes the idea of being written about and those who misbehave have been warned. So, readers, no sympathy necessary-they're all big boys (or not, as the case may be!)responsible for their own reputations and as its all true I'm not in the least bit worried about libel! In another guise, I write fiction...if my characters resembled my dates I'd be told they were too unbelievable! I only wish they weren't for real, but they are and the next few will test even the most vivid imaginations but, yes, they really happened.....
Come on....want next dating story!!!