Monday, 27 August 2012

Blind Date and the Parrot!

Well,  I know you've all been dying for an update on my meeting with Blind Date .... the wait is now over!

We met yesterday in a pub called The Parrot on the Surrey Hills - his choice, and a good one, particularly apt as I often talk far too much...especially when nervous on dates!

He was a lovely man and I would happily recommend him to anyone who's looking for love in his part of the country. Sad to report, he wasn't the right man for me as our lives, coupled with 3 young children on his part, two careers on mine and a 100 mile geographical divide, are just too divergent...

However, I hope I've made a new friend, so I think Blind Date will be known as Fine Mate going forward....

And another thing, whilst on the subject of twittering birds (including the human variety), I've just set up a Twitter account. Being entirely techo-illiterate, I have not the first idea how it works or how you can follow me or I can follow you but, if you know how better than me, then I think I can be found @loveandlaw. I have yet to tweet as to busy with life, law and blogging but, as I'm told its hard to make comments directly on my blog, why not tweet me instead....if I've managed to give you sufficient information to find me....I'll tweet new posts as I write them (if I can work out how)!


1 comment:

  1. Well Daisy, that was a relief!! so now we can all know Toffee was Blind Date, or Blind Mate as I have now been re-named, but I am not unhappy!! It was in truth, a lovely location and a very enjoyable date. You are right Parrot was quite appropriate wasn't it?....must have been Freudian??
    I made a friend and we will stay in touch.
