Monday 20 August 2012

Blind Date: the approach(1)!

Just a very short post, to keep the world up to date with the crazy going's on in my world...

They say things happen for a reason, and maybe the reason I was contacted by the entire cast of the Muppet Show this weekend was to ensure I arranged nothing and had space in my diary for an unexpected date at the weekend!

Today, a very brave man contacted me - a friend/former colleague of a very old friend of mine (remember the 'Turkish Delight' post!) - whom I have never met, know very little about, but who had, I quote, 'read and liked my blog and was prepared to put his reputation at risk to suggest a blind date!'

Liking his courage I sent a reply agreeing to this bold request as, let's face it, if he had the balls to ask, had a personality and a pulse he stood a pretty good chance of topping my current dating league table!

I would have thought the last thing any sane man would want to do would be to suggest a date, if he really had read my blog in it's entirity!

Bugger...maybe that was the red flag that I'd missed...maybe 'sane' was the pertinent word. Was he? As I mused this point, about to text mutual friend to ask whether I'd made a huge mistake in agreeing to meet, my phone rang! was him....bracing myself I clicked  to answer....


1 comment:

  1. Go for it Daisy because as Del Boy once famously said "you only live twice!!" Seriously though, what have you got to lose? Your virginity went a long time ago...see earlier post readers. When is Part 2?
