'What's happening with the fleas?' asked a friend, in an email earlier today, after she'd admitted to crying with laughter at my sorry dating history!
'Hopefully they're dead,' I replied optimistically, having left them in the capable latex gloves of Stan and Tone of Pest Control, when I went to court this morning.
The whole business reminds me of a case I had several years ago at the Crown Court where a client, with an extreme aversion to soap, entered the dock at my local Crown Court charged with assaulting his step daughter...joined by the entire cast of Dancing with Fleas for moral support (mmm...nice)!
Resplendent in a grubby anorak (style-circa. 1970), his star turn and lack of personal hygiene were not improved by the fact that a team of Premier league footballers, charged with match fixing, had just left the dock in a cloud of Armani aftershave and designer suits!
The court room had to be fumigated the following day ... I only hope the same isn't necessary after my appearance at court today!
Anyway, I digress....again...! Enough of the wildlife, and back to the dates (even though the two are often essentially interchangeable)! It really is time I told you about Mr. Dyson....this may take some time...
'Hopefully they're dead,' I replied optimistically, having left them in the capable latex gloves of Stan and Tone of Pest Control, when I went to court this morning.
The whole business reminds me of a case I had several years ago at the Crown Court where a client, with an extreme aversion to soap, entered the dock at my local Crown Court charged with assaulting his step daughter...joined by the entire cast of Dancing with Fleas for moral support (mmm...nice)!
Resplendent in a grubby anorak (style-circa. 1970), his star turn and lack of personal hygiene were not improved by the fact that a team of Premier league footballers, charged with match fixing, had just left the dock in a cloud of Armani aftershave and designer suits!
The court room had to be fumigated the following day ... I only hope the same isn't necessary after my appearance at court today!
Anyway, I digress....again...! Enough of the wildlife, and back to the dates (even though the two are often essentially interchangeable)! It really is time I told you about Mr. Dyson....this may take some time...