Saturday, 8 September 2012

No Comment!

Having spent much of last night at the police station, advising clients on whether to comment on allegations or invoke their right to remain silent, I have given similar thought to whether I should remain silent or make comment on the comments on my blog.

To those of you who have commented and enjoyed my general ramblings on life, I am glad I am brightening up your day sufficiently that you keep coming back.

To the sole dissenting voice who does not find my posts 'hilarious', I must agree with him or her that being repeatedly let down by those who have been entrusted with my heart, or being sent semi-pornographic emails by strangers, or being pursued by indiviuals who lie, cheat and generally behave in a manner far removed from the moral code of most decent people is far from hilarious but, as with many of the less savoury aspects of life including many of those I see daily at the police station, sometimes using such black humour is the only way to deal with  such events.
And when reading such differering views, I am thankful once again on being reminded just how priviledged I and most readers of my blog are that we live in democracies, are free to choose our own reading material, form a view on it and express that view. Many of my friends living in a former African dictatorship, where I spent a great deal of time last year, did not grow up with such an advantage.
So in summary, I would say this - if you're enjoying, keep reading (because we can) and, if you don't find what I write amusing - why put yourself through it - stop reading (because you can) and remember, this is supposed to be fun; not a form of self-enforced literary torture!
Right, serious moment over....I have to go to court now to deal with a man charged with assault whose 'victim' is in the habit of taking his pet boa constrictor (yes, a real one) for 'a walk' in his local park (yes, really)! Well, what would you do, if confronted with that, when all you'd tried to do was take your kids out to buy an icecream?! I couldn't make it up...

1 comment:

  1. A large snake , we have all dated one of them xxx.
