Tuesday 11 September 2012

Carry On Dating!

Never one to be defeated by anything as silly as the minor humiliation of being stood up by a moron with the manners of David Brent, I immediately got back on my dating horse-grateful that I had wasted no more time on the man with the motorbike.

They say things happen for a reason and Sunday's debacle clearly happened so that I would carry on dating, hopefully, more worthy individuals. Or should that be Carry On Dating ....now there's an idea for  script!

Anyway things are certainly looking up. As I do not want to jinx this, the detail provided will be sparse so, for now, I will tell you only this - he wears a uniform, is slightly younger than me, a lot taller than me and, if his photos are genuine, possibly the hottest guy I have seen since Johnny Depp in Chocolat!

We spent most of yesterday evening chatting and yes, yes I know I'm breaking my own rules again and this has the makings of disaster written all over it, but...... I just have a very good feeling about this one....!

And if it ends in disaster....isn't Johnny single at the moment....now there's a thought!

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