Friday, 7 September 2012

Mr. Dyson and the 4th Emergency Service (Part 5)!

After arranging the date I was not filled with enthusiasm by my friend, Kara, who, being a divorce lawyer the same age as Mr. Dyson, warned me not to get too excited as many men of her age and recent acquaintance had not aged well ... so I should be prepared to feign interest if he looked 20 years older than he claimed (making him 35 years older than me - yikes!) and spent the evening discussing his ex-wife. 
Mmm ... maybe he wouldn't be the one to make my ovaries pop.

Or maybe he would .... hard to believe, now you know about my more recent lack of success in these matters, but, in my view, my first date with Mr. Dyson was fantastic, albeit his ex-wife was mentioned a few times. We even chose the same thing to eat - fishcakes, minus the hollandaise - a sign we were right for each other....or that's how I viewed it. When he sent me a text, even before I'd arrived home, saying that he had a feeling us meeting was to be 'a life changing moment', I wanted to tell the world. As it was, it was midnight so I settled for telling myself that, at the grand old age of 30, perhaps my time had come ... and spent the 48 hours, until our second meeting, grinning inanely at everyone I met....I was in lurve.......

So much so that I didn't even notice his bald patch and use of dodgy hair thickening products until our second date, by which point I couldn't have cared less anyway because, with Mr. Dyson it was, and still is, all about his eyes and the volumes they speak.

As I've already averred too, Kara wasn't all wrong. He did seem to talk about his ex-wife quite a lot and probably a lot more than was strictly healthy ... but  I figured that she'd left him and didn't show any signs of coming back, other than to collect her spoils from the divorce and to argue about custody of the cats, so I brushed it aside and for the next 8 weeks went about the business of falling madly, badly and dangerously in love.

Together, we could fix the previous damage done to his heart.. After all, I  wasn't known by my friends as the Fourth Emergency Service...for nothing.....


  1. Come on Daisy - dont leave it there, what happened next? I am guesisng by the site it was not happily ever after, and the overies did not combust!!! But we need to know!

  2. Nope, still not "hilarious" ....
