Monday, 10 September 2012

Date Debrief!

For those of you who have been waiting tentatively for my next post, hoping that for once the news is good, I am afraid I cannot report that I and theYoung Rick Stein talked for hours and are going to meet again. So much for being positive...

If anyone deserves the poison pen, it is him, or should that be the poison bullet, and I say that with some meaning. Our text exchange, which is entirely unadulterated, says it all:

Me: Hi. Just checking you're still ok to meet up?

YRS: Yes. I am on my way.

Me: Great. I'll see you shortly. Wearing jeans, white shirt and pink/blue scarf! Hopefully I'll recognise the dog!

YRS: Ok. Ilk be watching for you.

Me: Makes you sound like a stalker ;-)!

YRS: Just wait and see ;-)

Me: No worries. I represent stalkers all the time in my day job so I have every confidence I'll manage! P.s. My humour may take some getting used too, though ;-)!

YRS: Mmmm we'll see

Me: Indeed we will! I'll be there in 2 mins. Are you in garden?

YRS:No sorry just left ;-(

Just left where - the pub or home?! I shall never know, as he was not at the pub where we'd agreed to meet and when I  called him his phone was switched off.

Fortuitously, at that moment as I stared at my phone in disbelief, Mr. Socks called and invited me to join him and his friend, Fishy, for coffee, which I gratefully did, so sadly I shall never know whether, in answer to Suzi's question, Young Rick Stein's bike was a 50cc with a Pizza Hut sign on the back but, as his behaviour would have been more becoming of a teenage boy than a 47 year old father and business man, I rather suspect it was. I think I'll stick to snakes next time. At least they're predictable! NEXT!

1 comment:

  1. What a bastard, Clearly not worth wasting the time on.
