Friday, 7 September 2012


Is it just me, or am I being reasonable in being a little put out at the latest shenanigans from the cast of the world's largest dating site? As anyone who has ever partaken in the soul destroying pastime of Internet dating will know, you have to be online regularly in order to garner interest. So, whilst editing my novel, and in the interests of positivity, I am often logged in and occasionally get some interesting messages. 

One such interlude occurred yesterday. I have to confess to still getting excited when interest is shown by a man who, on paper at least, looks attractive and writes in proper sentences. The  calibre of suitors has dropped so far, that it doesn't take much to impress me these days! Despite the cynic that dating has made me a part of me, perhaps naively, still refuses to believe that there aren't a few decent guys out there....

This appeared to be one such man - 45, no kids, attractive, a job, didn't live a million miles away and didn't live with his parents. Result! A couple of emails about location and interests followed by the killer message.

After giving me his name (and he was easy to find on Linked In - a headhunter with a large recruiter, apparently - so clearly thought his approach to dating was entirely acceptable) I received this:

'Am only looking for fun, casual and great sex and see what happensm. Interestred? Xx'

Spelling mistakes, all his own.

Interested?! Clearly the sort of 'head' he was hunting could most likely be found under his desk, rather than over it! I almost directed him to the business card section of his local phone box, as those who advertised there seemed more what he was looking for...

I suppose at least he was up front about his intentions, but really... NEXT! 

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