Wednesday 16 January 2013

There is a God!

There is a God!

I know this because I have just received an email from Eurostar advising me that tomorrow's service has been cancelled, due to adverse weather conditions. The irony being that if Mr. P hadn't had to postpone our Paris adventure, I would have had too but at least my non-refundable, non-transferable ticket has suddenly become refundable and transferable to any other service with no additional payment!

 Result! Clearly my father (see In Memory of a Special Man) has stopped chatting up the angels and put a good word in for his eldest daughter and her disastrous love life..... I say this because, as well as an unexpected refund, Mr. P is in Paris again twice next month and has already suggested meeting up, so convinced is he that we could have stumbled on something pretty amazing...

I appreciate that previous form does not bode well for romantic success, so I have banked my Eurostar credit for the time opposed to rebooking!

However, I am quietly optimistic that this mad thing with Mr. P has potential...
Five hours until he lands. Will report in tomorrow...

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