Tuesday 22 January 2013

Prepare for take off!

Well, what to say? Only one word for my most recent date ... AMAZING!
 The Pilot is everything I hoped he would be. After a nerve wracking blind date moment, when I did a great impression of a demented goldfish, I and the man with the sparkliest eyes in the world, settled into easy banter over a bottle of red... he bought  me beautiful flowers, champagne and his great taste in wine.

We talked, drank wine and laughed.... a lot. We kissed, drank champagne and laughed a lot more...

He bought me a Pandora charm to remind us of a perfect day - an apt silver aeroplane. I have a feeling I may be spending a lot of time on aeroplanes going forward. Sunday's date led to another on Monday and we've agreed to disappear at the weekend for a couple of days away from the world in a cosy country pub somewhere..before he jets off home.

And then, of course, there's Eurostar... Paris has been rescheduled for a couple of weeks time.
So, ladies and gentlemen, the next bottle of champagne is in the diary for the weekend, and The Pilot says, fasten your seatbelts, sit back and prepare for take off. The romantic adventure of Daisy's life is about to begin....

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