Friday 25 January 2013


So, almost time to see The Pilot again, and how am I dealing with this unexpectedly exciting twist in my erstwhile, tumultuous and difficult love life? Unexpectedly well, would be the answer...

My heart (caused by a particularly virulent strain of dancing butterflies) veers between excitement about what could potentially be happening and fear that I might have got it very wrong indeed...

However, there are a few things that I'm certain of:
-  this thing developing between The Pilot and me is something, potentially, pretty special;
-  I'm going to miss him like crazy when he disappears home next week;
-  I am in extreme danger of falling for this man - falling flat on my face or falling madly in love remains to be seen. I'm hoping for the latter but have plenty of experience of dealing with the former, if worse comes to worse.

In the meantime, I'm off to court, before disappearing to a wonderfully cosy, country pub for a weekend of debauchery....oops, did I really say that...I meant discovery (which, hopefully, won't include the discovery of any previously unseen red flags)!

Sod the miles, seas and continents...I'll worry about those next week....will report back after the weekend....

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