Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Riding the dating wave!

Ireland was fantastic! I expected nothing else, in light of the friend I was staying with and her country's reputation for great craic!

I almost came unstuck, when hit upon in a bar by the local multi-millionaire (yes, really) which might have been fun, had he not been 80.

Gold digging is not a pastime I am proficient in, neither do I wish to become so, hence his relegation to the Reginald box of 'thanks but no thanks' and shall remain anonymous for blog purposes.

Back home I was met by Classified who managed to look nonchalantly chic as he sat waiting for me in arrivals. Any bloke who can look good in a tight fitting navy shirt has my vote...and the vote of most of the UK's gay population, apparently; he informed me on our fifth date that he regularly gets hit on by gay men and I can see why....

Date 5 has progressed to date 6 and 7 and we're still having fun. There have been brief moments of uncertainty in the Classified camp - mostly because he can't believe how well we get on and, having separated in the more recent past than is ideal (my major red flag!), it had not been part of his game plan to meet someone so soon....

Of course I'm aware of the risk of fraternising with separated, as opposed to properly divorced, men! Its a scenario that has caused carnage in my romantic life in the past and I am therefore very aware of the lure of a retreat to the cave for men in this transitional period

Therefore, for my part, on the surface, I remain more supine than a dead goldfish; below the surface, let's just say that's classified...for now!

However, I'm convinced Classified is one of the good guys ...not a statement I make lightly, albeit I may be about to wish I hadn't tempted fate by saying that, but whatever the future holds - and who can predict that - we're having a lot of fun now just riding the dating wave.

More salient points, for those who are interested:

  • He thinks he can cook; he probably can although next time he offers I'll ensure it's not after several pints of beer as the steak was ruined and the kitchen looked like Armageddon afterwards!
  • He loves chocolate (bad for my waist and his much coveted abs)!
  • He has a tattoo....although not one he planned! A drunken night as a teenager saw a dolphin appearing on his shoulder. It could have been worse - the same night his best mate ended up with a huge heart adoring his chest! Classified has long since had the sealife disguised by some sort of abstract Celtic pattern (after being advised that if he just had it removed the scar tissue would lead to a white dolphin riding his back every time he got a tan)!

Good job he has a sense of humour and I have, as you'll know from earlier posts, a natural affinity with sealife! Remember Mr. Fish?! Later..

1 comment:

  1. Correct me if I am wrong but wasn't this post taken down last week ? What's changed ?
