Wednesday 3 October 2012

Who needs John Humphreys?!

Well, Classified called to arrange date, suggesting three different options.

So far so good - called as promised (tick), was organised and interested enough to make the effort to come up with some great choices (tick). He just needs to turn up and he gets full marks!

And surely even I can't get stood up two dates running, can I?

I'm off to a conference tomorrow, 150 miles away, with colleagues, one of whom I have got to know well over recent months. Said colleague is driving and when I told her I had a date tonight she said 'Great! You can provide the in-car entertainment!'

Such optimism! It's a good job I've managed to retain a sense of humour!

Sad thing is, she's probably right! Whatever happens tonight it's likely to be more entertaining than even John Humprey's brilliant journalism on the Today programme.

Wish me luck...

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