Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Pants on fire?!

Well, well, I seem to be having a rather good time with Classified. No-one could be more surprised than me, at this unexpected turn of events...

So perhaps I should divulge a little more... especially as Classified himself has complained that my posts about him thus far are tame and asked when he can expect the next installment.

This was coupled with his unconditional consent to write whatever I like - if needed, yet more reassurance for my dissenting commentator that those I write about enjoy their infamy!

So that leads me to the question of what I should write?

Well, for a start he is rather attractive and becoming more so each time we meet. This is a man who can even make a conversation about decoding algorithms (it's a long story) fascinating!

It's amazing how interesting a man you fancy can make the most
uninteresting subject sound! And this man is seriously sexy - taller than me (8 inches to be precise!), knowing brown eyes and a sufficient modicum of EQ, all wrapped up in a body that's 4 years younger than mine and certainly a match for my beloved Johnny!

He's even more direct than I am (not easy, as my friends will vouch for) and asks me the sort of questions in his dulcet Mancunian tones that make even me blush . When I'm not playing with my hair in some sort of dopey, subconscious mating ritual, I'm generally opening and shutting my mouth like a demented Koy carp - enthralled and stunned in equal measure by his ability to leave me speechless (impossible, my friends yell).

And aside from the fact he's handsome (which is official as his 89 year old neighbour told him so just last week) he's apparently also blessed with killer sperm - or so he announced on our third date...

Not quite sure what he meant by that - isn't that something of a dichotomy?! 

Maybe he possesses some random genetic component, specific to him, that leads to instant death on entry. More research clearly necessary, before I engage in such life threatening behaviour because, just for the record, I haven't...yet...and, when and if I do, I will not be providing a detailed account! Remember, I am Daisy, not Belle de Jour...

Classified has the potential to set my knickers on fire, so I should probably get back on Match.com and line up a fireman as back up!

'Be careful,' wail my friends. I understand why and I love them for caring but they need not fear. I'm conscious of the red flags so care is being taken.

For now all I shall say is this - events of the last few years, in various aspects of my life, have given me the resilience of a rattlesnake and the foresight to have fun whilst I can for, as the cliche goes... Iife ain't a rehearsal...and I, for one, have spent to many years rehearsing and at the moment... I'm certainly having fun ;-)....


1 comment:

  1. What happened to reining in the excitement. knickers on fire indeed!
