Monday, 4 March 2013

A Life Less Ordinary!

Happily, I can confirm that Paris, champagne, fancy restaurants et al are absolutely the reality of mine and LP's life for the moment.

Thankfully, I am unaware of any rules dictating that 'real life' has to be mundane? I guess I always held out for a life less ordinary, which is why I never 'settled' for a relationship that would lead to mundanity. Is that a word?!

However, a fair and valid question has been raised and in response I would say this - the logistics of my relationship with LP mean that dates in far flung, and some might say exotic, locations are an inevitable, and not unwelcome, reality; champagne and wonderful restaurants - well, that's something anyone would enjoy when life permits and my friends and I do on a regular basis.

Finally, and, perhaps most importantly, I enjoy LP's company and I couldn't care less whether we meet up on a cold park bench with a flask of coffee or even McDonanlds. Frankly, life would be a lot less complicated if we could! Furthermore, as I don't moonlight as an It Girl when away from work, I have no doubt that, if the time should come, I'd be perfectly happy to deal with dirty socks and swap champagne and fancy restaurants for supper at home, but one thing I'm pretty sure of is that life with this man would never be mundane....

Now, time to head off to the bar with the lovely LP and work out whether I have got it entirely wrong and we have the potential for mundanity! If we do...he's dumped! 


1 comment:

  1. It sounds like the perfect definition of "holiday romance"
