Monday, 4 February 2013

Mile High Club!

What can I say...? Not only am I dating a lovely pilot, I also seem to be provoking debate from the entire cast of Top Gun. A it was some of my favourite teenage viewing.

Does being elevated to such heights mean fast track membership to the Mile High Club?! Now there's a thought....

Just to reassure all concerned - everyone, who needs to know that I blog, knows (and reads); nothing I have written breaches any professional rules and, once again, thank you all for taking the time to comment.

Now...back to the Mile High Club...mmmm!


  1. Since smoking was banned on flights, what do you do after the event, just go back to your seat! Make sure you travel in business class, at least that way you can go to the bar afterwards!

  2. I admire your confidence, although i do not necessarily share it but you are tell us you are the professional & therefore presumably the expert. No doubt we shall all continue to share your exploits, some with amusement, some with pleasure & some with, well, amazement ! Maybe we shall hear from "Maverick" et al
